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Tukhbatullina R.G., Elizarova E.S. Basics of biotechnology: educational and methodological tutorial for foreign students of the specialty Pharmacy. 2022

Basics of biotechnology : educational and methodological tutorial for foreign students of the specialty "Pharmacy" / Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kazan State Medical University ; compiled by Tukhbatullina R. G., Elizarova E. S. - Kazan : KSMU, 2022. - 44 p. - Англ. Перевод заглавия: Основы биотехнологии







MeSH-главная: 1.БИОТЕХНОЛОГИЯ (обучение)


Аннотация: The educational and methodical tutorial of the discipline of Basics of biotechnology is intended for foreign students of the specialty 33.05.01 – ‘Pharmacy’(level of specialty). This handbook was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education of the third generation (FSES HE 3++), taking into account the competence-based approach to the study of the discipline. The manual presents topics and tasks for independent work, forms of issuing current control.

Доп. точки доступа:
Tukhbatullina, R. G.\comp.\
Тухбатуллина, Рузалия Габдулхаковна
Elizarova, E. S.\comp.\
Елизарова, Елизавета Сергеевна
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Kazan State Medical University (Казань)

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Дата публикации: 31.10.2024

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