Kadyrov R.K., Safiullov Z.Z. Clinical anatomy of the head and neck muscules : manual for students studying in english specialty 31.05.03 Dentistry. 2023
Kadyrov, Renat Karimovich. Clinical anatomy of the head and neck muscules : manual for students studying in english specialty 31.05.03 Dentistry = Клиническая анатомия мышц головы и шеи : учебно-методическое пособие для студентов, обучающихся на английском языке по специальности 31.05.03 Стоматология / R. K. Kadyrov, Z. Z. Safiullov ; Kazan State Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Department of normal anatomy. - Kazan : KSMU, 2023. - 28 p.
34.41.35 |
611.732/.733(075.8) |
MeSH-главная: 1.АНАТОМИЯ (обучение) 2.ГОЛОВА (анатомия и гистология) 3.ШЕЯ (анатомия и гистология)
Аннотация: The manual is intended for Dentistry faculty students of medical universities, studying the discipline "Human Anatomy - Anatomy of the head and neck" and will certainly contribute myology section teaching actualization. The manual leads to an understanding the possibility of myalgia treatment modern methods applying for head and neck area.
Доп. точки доступа:
Safiullov, Zufar Zufarovich
Сафиуллов, Зуфар Зуфарович
Кадыров, Ренат Каримович
Kazan State Medical University (Казань). Department of normal anatomy