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  • Generalova E.V. et al. Laboratory indicators in pediatrics: educational manual for practical classes and independent work of students of the international faculty studying in the specialty Dentistry. 2023

Generalova E.V. et al. Laboratory indicators in pediatrics: educational manual for practical classes and independent work of students of the international faculty studying in the specialty Dentistry. 2023

Generalova, Elena Vladimirovna. Laboratory indicators in pediatrics : educational manual for practical classes and independent work of students of the international faculty studying in the specialty "Dentistry" = Лабораторная диагностика в педиатрии : учебное пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности "Стоматология" на английском языке / E. V. Generalova, A. M. Zakirova, F. F. Rizvanova ; Kazan State Medical University Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Department of introduction in childhood diseases and faculty pediatrics. - Kazan : KSMU, 2023. - 22 p.







MeSH-главная: 1.ПЕДИАТРИЯ (обучение) 2.ДИАГНОСТИЧЕСКИЕ МЕТОДЫ И ПРОЦЕДУРЫ (использование)


Аннотация: The teaching aid provides the latest data on laboratory parameters in children of different ages. Knowing the norm of laboratory parameters in children, taking into account age characteristics, will allow correctly assessing the severity of the patient's condition, fixing the onset of the disease in time, making a diagnosis, conducting differential diagnostics and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment. This determines the urgency of the problem and the expediency of publishing these methodological recommendations. The teaching aid is intended for students of medical universities studying in the intermediary language (English).

Доп. точки доступа:
Zakirova, Alfiya Midkhatovna
Альфия Мидхатовна
Rizvanova, Farida Faritovna
Ризванова, Фарида Фаритовна
Генералова, Елена Владимировна
Kazan State Medical University (Казань). Department of introduction in childhood diseases and faculty pediatrics

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Дата публикации: 28.12.2024

Электронно-библиотечная система КГМУ зарегистрирована в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор) - регистрационный номер Эл № ФС77-78830 от 30.07.2020.

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