Gazizov I.V. et al. Sensory organs (organ of vision, organ of hearing and equilibrium): methods handbook/ 2023
Gazizov, Ilnaz Marselevich. Sensory organs (organ of vision, organ of hearing and equilibrium) : methods handbook / Gazizov I. M., Faizrahmanova A. N., Eremeeva O. N. ; Kazan State Medical University Ministry of health of Russian Federation, Department of human anatomy. - Kazan : KSMU, 2023. - 98 p. : il. - Англ. - Appendix: p. 85-96. - Bibliogr.: p. 96-98. - Б. ц. - Текст : непосредственный.
Перевод заглавия: Органы чувств (орган зрения, орган слуха и равновесия)
34.41.35 |
611.84/.85(075.8) |
MeSH-главная: 1.ОРГАНЫ ЧУВСТВ (анатомия и гистология)
Аннотация: Methods handbook «SENSORY ORGANS (organ of vision, organ of hearing and equilibrium)» in the discipline of Human anatomy is prepared for students of «General Medicine». The methods handbook contains lesson plans, labor intensity by type of training (in academic hours), a list of competencies that a student must master at the end of the discipline, criteria for assessing knowledge, the purpose and motivation of the lesson, a plan for studying the topic, questions for self-control.
Доп. точки доступа:
Faizrahmanova, Alina Nailevna
Файзрахманова, Алина Наильевна
Eremeeva, Olga Nikolaevna
Еремеева, Ольга Николаевна
Газизов, Ильназ Марселевич
Kazan State Medical University (Казань). Department of human anatomy