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Kamaeva S.S. Pharmaceutical propedeutic practice: methodical instructions for educational practice for students studying in the specialty 33.05.01 Pharmacy. 2023

Kamaeva, Svetlana Sergeevna. Pharmaceutical propedeutic practice : methodical instructions for educational practice for students studying in the specialty 33.05.01 Pharmacy in English = Фармацевтическая пропедевтическая практика : учебно-методическое пособие по учебной практике для студентов, обучающихся на английском языке по специальности 33.05.01 Фармация / S. S. Kamaeva, G. U. Merkureva ; Kazan State Medical University Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Institute of Pharmacy. - Kazan : KSMU, 2023. - 50 p.









Аннотация: Study guide for students of the Institute of Pharmacy to educational practice for English-speaking students of the Institute of Pharmacy studied on the specialty 33.05.01 PHARMACY is intended for 1st year students of the Institute of Pharmacy of the Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, and allows students to navigate the work program of the practice. The methodological manual reflects the goals and objectives of practice in pharmaceutical technology, provides a list of competencies (UC - universal competences and PC - professional competencies): UC-6 (level 1, 2, 3); PC-1 (level 1) - in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the structure and content of the practice - in accordance with the Program of the practice, reporting documents on practice and the procedure for their registration, a list of theoretical questions that must be mastered by students-trainees, samples of situational tasks.

Доп. точки доступа:
Merkureva, Galina Yurievna
Меркурьева, Галина Юрьевна
Камаева, Светлана Сергеевна
Kazan State Medical University (Казань). Institute of Pharmacy

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Дата публикации: 28.12.2024

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